
Showing posts from 2017

Links and Exercises

Image link: Click here Indesign Exercise (pdf): Click here "The Making" Power Point Exercise: Click Here Video Presentation: Click Here Photoshop Exercise:  

The Last Meeting in MA 106

  "My video presentation" Where should I start? It's been a long day yet a very productive one! This is our last meeting in MA 106 and WOOAAAHH, I survived. Thank you Lord! :-)  May I also share with you my video presentation during our simulation activity this afternoon (See video above) . This contains Best Practices and Strategies of Sustainable Livelihood Program of Department of Social Welfare and Development featuring selected SLP Association Projects of Caraga. Quiz # 3 "Excel" On the other side, we had two (2) quizzes this morning with 100 items all in all. And gladly, I passed it all. Another milestone in my back to school journey. I just felt accomplished today... though I think my work may not be the best, but I felt some kind of satisfaction within because I tried and I learned. As the saying goes, "Tell me, and I forget; teach me, and I remember; involve me, and I learn". Quiz # 4 "Powerpoint" For a kinesth...

A Short Story for Today

Seems like I'm a bit moody today. Anyways, I've got to straighten up my head and forget my distractions. Today's lesson is about photo editing using Photoshop. It's my first time to use this tool and its good that I was able to try it before the computer crashed and shut down. By the way, we tried making a magazine cover. And the not so good part is... I wasn't able to save my work. "The Photoshop" Well, that's life. Some thing's just bound to happen beyond your control. I just hope that I won't forget the use of magic erase tool, the letter T and some other tiny icons at the left side because my memory is not that good. I even noticed that I easily forget things lately. FYI, someone told me that #1 cause of forgetfulness is stress. And I think she's right! Maybe I should try to change my way of thinking during rough times because it's not good physically, emotionally and spiritually. Just a short realization for not jus...

Practice the Knowledge

My own version of Automated Quiz :-) As the saying goes, "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice". Let's call it a day. It has been a long day for me, especially when you forgot to scan your notes and you have a total # of 150 items quiz for Quiz # 1&2. Haha! It's not that all. I still got the passing rate though (above 50%)... And, today is a lot more fun. I learned how to use "wonder share", it's new to me and it's very useful in making questionnaires. I may use this during conduct of training activities. I also had a hard time on saving my power point presentation :-( because the internet connection was so slow and it was saved in google drive. I made it the other day ( Sigh...) Anyways, if there's a will there's a way! No worries, what's important is that learning new things is always the best. Just a few reminders to all, knowledge may be learned in few days but it takes a lot of time and effor...

Yes, I Can

Done with my work. . .Easy, then easier!! If you think u can, you're already half done with your work; If you started it, you're about to accomplish something; If you try to take a step, then you'll never stay in the same place. I am first to finish the tasks in MS Word and Excel Exercises in MA 106 class today!!! I assume? Of course, because I did it last night. Then I started to remember my college days, my first encounter with MS Word and Excel. We have a computer at home, but I never paid attention to MS Office software. I just wanted to play... play... then play again. Way back 1st year college, we had basic computer subject. And... I do not know anything about MS Office! Yeah, that's true :-( Everything seemed so new to me and even the simple cut-copy-paste was so confusing. How pity of me? But, that doesn't end my short story. One thing that comes in my mind, "If OTHERS CAN, then why CAN'T I?" . Everything that happens to you is you...

1st Day of Class "Oh My Computer"

MA 106 Computer and Internet Application in Research Hi there! This is my first time to post a blog and also my 1st day of MA 106 Class, Computer and Internet Application in Research. Well, I thought we'll just be having "GTKY" or Getting to Know You session on our 1st day but surprisingly, I already had so much to learn and relearn with my classmates. Today's lesson is about COMPUTERS... Its capabilities and limitations, advantages and disadvantages as well as areas of computer application. Yes, we have to admit it! Life, is so vain without computers nowadays. Computer makes our life easier and even easiest, faster and fastest, feeling like, "We can't live without it". I'm even using computer or laptop or android phone more than 8 hrs a day and its NOT healthy. I'm not feeling it yet, but I don't want to wait for finger or eyesight disorders, cardiac arrest and some health risks brought by radiation as my teacher said. Thank...