
Showing posts from April, 2021

Waiting for God’s Answer

In my previous writings I tackled about God’s answers to our prayers and these are yes, no and, wait. The toughest among the 3 is wait. Brace yourself cause it’s not as easy as you think it is.  Joseph waited for 13 years in prison, Abraham waited for 25 years to have a child, Moses waited for 40 years to see the promise land, Jesus waited for 30 years to begin His ministry. The bleeding woman? She waited 12 years to be finally healed.  How long do you think can you wait for God’s answer? How do you know when His answer is wait? Even Abraham doubted and chose his own way to fulfill God’s promise in Genesis 16 which resulted to having Ishmael. (Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seemed right to a man but the end of it destruction.) Thus we can say, “wait” is also a test of faith. Matthew 21:22, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe and you will receive.  This is a formula that may help you in your prayer requests, “Faith + God’s will= Answered Prayer”. Always remember t...