Is There Any Way to Climb Up?

Have you ever felt being at the bottom?
You tried to climb up but seems like all your efforts are wasted;
Nothing’s working! And there, you are stepped on by someone because you are at the bottom;
Is there any way to climb up?
I looked at the sky but seems like my plea wasn’t heard.

So, I enjoyed myself singing and dancing along;
I thought this was my time to chill at the moment;
There, I was stepped on once again!
Come on, Is there any way to climb up?
Still, no one answered but this time I was pushed by someone.

I haven’t seen it coming and I almost tripped off;
Angry and fed up but there’s nothing I can do about it;
I must think first before I respond, drastic reaction may cause me more harm;
I waited and waited but nothing happened, I wasted more time.
Is there any way to climb up?

I tried and tried a hundred times but all efforts are in vain.
I stopped and paused, I started asking myself. Why do I want to climb up?
I swiftly replied, So I won’t be stepped on by others;
But do I even like to climb up? Well not really! I find it exhausting and draining, not my thing;
Then, why do I want to climb up?

There I thought, Is there any way to get there aside from climbing up?
Not finding the answer may not be the problem;
It may be finding the real problem to find the right answer.
Your value depends on the right environment;
It is on you to find your place and reach your full potential.


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