The Wandering to Wilderness

The most enjoyable thing in life is uncertainty. We often forget that we can never control all aspects of life. We focus too much on our goals and advancement; we are but success hungry people. When something goes wrong, we overthink of so many possibilities. We tend to omit every margin of errors, hand and foot towards our goal without even minding that our days are numbered. Life can vanish in a wink of an eye. Why are we all so worked up on success?

I remembered the journey to the promised land. We are eyes and ears to the "Promised Land" rather than the journey going to promised land. First, what do you refer to as the promised land? Is it the success you have been spending your whole life? If no, then why are you devoting your life to a position or a title in your career just to secure your financial position? Why is it in an early stage we are taught to educate ourselves to earn a better living? Practically speaking, we give more importance to financial stability because we fear poverty and uncertainties. They say, "money makes the world go round". Not entirely true but we cannot function well without the aid of money. That's why we devote our time making more profits and earnings.

The most successful personality in the bible was Solomon. He had everything under his sleeves. No one is as wealthy as Solomon. The person that has been given wisdom by God wrote in Ecclesiastes, "Everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind". Of which makes sense because when a person is dying, he will not be looking for all the investments and riches he gained in this world. Instead, he will remember what kind of life he led in the past. As I may say, the most regretted part of man in his death bed is the way he lived.

Often times we hear people say, "Life is a journey" but seem forgotten to mention that it will never be the "Arrival". In other words, promised land can never be found in your temporary life on earth. We are all wandering in the wilderness called life. We are living in this temporal world with so many uncertainties and inevitable circumstances that weigh us down, but we should not lose hope. All we need is God's everyday provision called "Mana". Like the Israelites who are fed with a heavenly food that cannot be saved for tomorrow, so are we given provisions for our daily needs. We should not save riches that will rot eventually. We should not crazily spend life saving for money. Do not ridiculously display or boast your positions and titles for you can't bring them in the afterlife. Live life to the fullest with no regrets. May we all live a meaningful life in Christ.


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