
Showing posts from 2021

Pure Favor, Pure Grace

Who am I that I am greatly favored? You opened the sky whenever you hear me shout your name. In times of troubles, you persistently snatched me from the evil’s hands. How could you save an unfaithful child like me with open arms and warm embrace? Why do you love me so much when I do not deserve an ounce of your grace? I am greatly favored, I am greatly favored, I am loved by an amazing grace.  He called me, my child, my child, I am always here.  I will never leave you, nor forsake you, I am here even to the ends of the earth. A sinner redeemed by a faithful Father in heaven.  Now, free from all sins; I have peace from within. Indeed, I am greatly favored,  Pure favor, pure grace.

Who Is Your Idol?

  I remembered during my high school days, I used to love “Thalia” with a different level of admiration. I kept posters of her, watched her drama series and I even hate it when someone distracts me in the middle of watching her TV show. Worst? I ended my high school entrance exam earlier just to catch her TV series “Marimar”; I left 2 pages unanswered just not to miss any of the episodes. There’s no replay on youtube or facebook yet. Often having day dreams, making stories in my head, and her, as the main character. I’m the director and script writer of my own stories. Most of the time, I’m pre-occupied with these thoughts. Are you somewhat like me in this era? Do you prefer using your time stalking your idols on social media? Are you keeping their pictures inside your mobile phones or keeping posters of them? If that is so, then obviously, you have your idol. Idol means a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered similar as god, hero or an icon. Maybe it’s time fo...

Take your Pick!

I don't talk about hurt, I talk about healing; I don't talk about fear, I talk about faith; I don't talk about discouragement, I talk about inspiration; But it doesn't mean I don't feel it, I just put my trust in Him. Where the mind goes, the body will follow; What the tongue speaks, becomes your declaration; Because what you perceive, becomes your reality; And you have the choice to become bitter or better, take your pick.

Raising A Hallelujah

Are you familiar with sleep paralysis? They also call it as “urom”. I consider it as spiritual warfare against principalities of darkness which claimed many lives. Others may not believe it but for me, it’s real. This is just one of my encounters. Well, it started with a dream where a woman was seeking for help cause she was demon possessed. She looks familiar and I think I saw her several times but I can’t recognize her. The scene was in our old house at the balcony. She was pleading for help. The pastor together with the church elders were also there. They were circling around her. It was twilight. When they are about to pray, the light turned off. So, I went upstairs to get light. Then, when I returned, they were already exorcising. The woman was twitching her body really hard and she was making unpleasant noises. When I arrived, the setting was already horrifying. Then, I started singing, “I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies.. I raise a hallelujah, louder than the ...

Waiting for God’s Answer

In my previous writings I tackled about God’s answers to our prayers and these are yes, no and, wait. The toughest among the 3 is wait. Brace yourself cause it’s not as easy as you think it is.  Joseph waited for 13 years in prison, Abraham waited for 25 years to have a child, Moses waited for 40 years to see the promise land, Jesus waited for 30 years to begin His ministry. The bleeding woman? She waited 12 years to be finally healed.  How long do you think can you wait for God’s answer? How do you know when His answer is wait? Even Abraham doubted and chose his own way to fulfill God’s promise in Genesis 16 which resulted to having Ishmael. (Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seemed right to a man but the end of it destruction.) Thus we can say, “wait” is also a test of faith. Matthew 21:22, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe and you will receive.  This is a formula that may help you in your prayer requests, “Faith + God’s will= Answered Prayer”. Always remember t...

Do Not Invalidate your Blessings

In the mouth of discouragement she frowned and murmured. “Abundance, cup overflow, land with flowing milk and honey, prosperity, blessings, success, you promised Lord! Yeah, still You get to decide who You want to bless", she sighed. Sulking words of a young Christian. What about the dilemma of these days?.. the wealthy nor the impoverished tasted the drastic change in a blink of an eye; economic downturn was felt in every side of the world. Health is at risk. Is finding peace amidst chaos even possible?”.  Your mind is a battlefield. Philippians 4:6-8 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is...

Seeing God’s Leading

  As Christians, when we pray, we only wait for three answers: yes, no and, wait. But have you ever made a plea just to get a “Yes” from God? The bible says, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe and it will be yours. I rooted for these words and I have known of this authority given to God’s children even in my younger years. I can even remember ordering the clouds to pour some rain so I can play as I say, “In the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to rain.” or, “In the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to stop.” A child’s play with unfaltering faith. Repeatedly done this until my heart’s content. And that faith lives in me. Faith makes the impossible, possible. It is actually the key to bring down miracles easily. I’ve seen so many miracles back then and till now. Having so much to say about faith that I forgot “trust” in seeing God’s Leading. Three years ago, I made a plea. I desperately asked God to give me that “Yes” in an instant. Fear was overwhelming that I wanted an ...